Non-Toxic Living & Key Minerals with Hamid Jabbar

Following a powerful discussion in our community about how we can all embrace healthier, non-toxic living, I had the pleasure of sitting down with integrative wellness practitioner, Hamid Jabbar to talk about the importance of essential minerals and how they impact our collective well-being.

Hamid has dedicated the last 25 years to studying how our internal mineral balance can influence the entire spectrum of our personal well-being, the health of our children, and our future generations.

No matter where you are in your knowledge of holistic wellness, we break everything down so that anyone seeking clarity on how to make more informed, health-conscious choices can benefit from this awe-inspiring conversation.

You’ll hear a bit about my own health data and personal experiences, and we discuss everything from mitochondria to mental health, and the phases of change we so often experience as we continue to evolve on a healthier path.

Hamid shares how subtle stressors from our environment can affect us on the deepest levels, and how we can begin to shift back into a healthier, more balanced rhythm by being cognizant of key minerals like copper, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium.

A gentle note of caution: we talk about my personal experience of pregnancy loss toward the beginning of our chat. If this feels uncomfortable for you in any way, you might prefer to begin at the 12-minute mark.

In this inspiring interview, we discuss:

  • Why minerals are so foundational to our well-being
  • The impact of pregnancy, loss, and postpartum recovery on our overall health
  • The connection point where stress meets our physical and emotional bodies
  • How we can best support our adrenal glands and balance out hormones
  • Two key minerals that help us metabolize stress and how to get more of them
  • One common mistake many of us make when it comes to Magnesium
  • Why mineral balance is important during pregnancy and postpartum
  • How breastfeeding impacts our mineral health and our children’s immune systems
  • Myths about Copper, Vitamin A, and Iron
  • The link between blood sugar, fasting, and chronic stress
  • How to listen intuitively, inventory your stress, and identify the best natural solutions
About Hamid Jabbar

Hamid brings more than 25 years of experience in studying the root causes of disease, helping his clients connect the dots on the inner workings of their well-being. He spent the better part of his adult life exploring Eastern philosophical and practical systems of Western medicine, yoga, Ayurveda, Buddhism, Thai bodywork, energy work, Amazonian plant medicines, and other traditional healing methods including meditation and sound therapy. He offers individual consultation and counselling in all aspects of the individual health journey with expertise in the Root Cause Protocol (RCP), the ancestral diet, and mental and emotional healing.

Hamid is the voice behind @mineralshaman on Instagram, a platform discussing the intersection of mineral balancing, plant medicines, spirituality, and ancestral wisdom. His websites are and if you’d like to learn more.

If you’re looking for a nourishing community of kindred spirits and parents walking the path toward non-toxic living and holistic wellness, we’d love to invite you to join us @thesimplefolkco on Instagram.


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